Romas Kukalis: Morning Star Prelim "B"
Romas Kukalis: Morning Star Prelim "A"
Richard Bober: Dracula!
Richard Bober: Woman with Steel Gray Eyes
Richard Bober: Pirate study with White Scarf
Richard Bober: Pirate study with Earring
Richard Bober: Portrait of Mark Antony
Richard Bober: Portrait of Princess Aura
Richard Bober: Werewolf of London Study
Richard Bober: Portrait of "Alice"
Richard Bober: Wizard in Purple
Richard Bober: Alfred Hitchcock Portrait Study
Darrell K. Sweet: Dog Wizard
Darrell K. Sweet: The Run to Chaos Keep
Darrell K. Sweet: Darkness Upon the Ice
Darrell K. Sweet: Liavek Spells of Binding prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: Fire Time
Darrell K. Sweet: Robed Figure prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: unk title card #303 - Wheel of Time CCG prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: Prophecy - Wheel of Time CCG prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: Rand al' Thor #301 - Wheel of Time CCG prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: unk title card #306 - Wheel of Time CCG prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: Lan Mandragoran - Wheel of Time CCG prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: Heron - Mark Blade - Wheel of Time CCG prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: Regency Romance prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: The Burning City prelim
Darrell K. Sweet: Jumper Cable prelim (Xanth #33)
Darrell K. Sweet: Xone of Contention prelim (Xanth #23)
Richard Bober: The Storyteller and the Jann prelim #2
Richard Bober: The Storyteller and the Jann prelim #1
Dave Pether: Golden Retriever Dog Advertising #2
Dave Pether: Golden Retriever Dog Advertising #1
Dave Pether: Cadbury Animal Bites Concept Art
Richard Bober: A Very Particular Murder prelim
Richard Bober: Mord the Executioner
Richard Bober: Study of a Man with Reptile Eyes
Romas Kukalis: Isaac's Universe: Fossil
Richard Bober: Caricature Study of Vincent Price
Richard Bober: Study of Alice for "Fantastic Alice"
Richard Bober: Character Study of Don Quixote in Golden Armor
Richard Bober: Vignette Study of a Woman with Red Hair
Fred Gambino: Grumman Panther (study)
Fred Gambino: 2000 AD sample
Fred Gambino: Snowbound Six
Fred Gambino: Crash Dive
Richard Bober: Study of Woman Seated
Richard Bober: Study of a Nude in Yellow
Richard Bober: Portrait Study of Robert Morley as Tweedledum