Original interior llustration- the "Warrior Princess" - created for the award winning children's picture book by Kevin O'Malley, published by Bloomsbury, hardcover 2010. Three artists participated in creating illustrations for this incredibly popular book, each with distinct styles, including the author. Carol created illustrations for both this book and "Once Upon a Cool Motocycle Dude" - and until now she has not felt comfortable in releasing them for sale - as these books have been sold to Nickelodeon and are likely to be made into a movie. But here we are, years later and I've persuaded Carol to let me offer them. This is the only interior from the book she's letting me list - and it's totally charming! YES! Absolutely delightful, and 18.5" x 14.75" in acrylics on unstretched canvas, and is signed bottom right. And if the movie gets done, you will not regret owning it! think: Harry Potter!
Carol Heyer: Once Upon a Royal Superbaby
this one ships from me in Santa Fe, NM